Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in AZ

Every year we get together with some of Ty's cousins and go on a horse drawn hayride around the neighborhood! Peight loved it and kept saying, "nay walk" so funny she has only seen them standing still! Fasinating to a 22month old!

This was the thing I was most excited about, going to the Mesa temple lights. There is nothing like this in California and I couldn't believe how much I missed it!

Presents, presents, present! Little miss Rylee loves her stuffed animals and went straight for her new penguin!

We had our anual Christmas dinner that my mom makes at Jason and Mallory's house this year! It was delicious! Such a fun day\photo shoot!

Thanks lex for the barbies that we will now have to take everywhere we go (all 8 of them)!!!!!

This is how Peighton decided to keep Rylee from playing with her new Barbies....great sharing P!

This face sums up the whole day...wonder and sheer happiness! Thanks for all the amazing presents Auntie lala, Nana, Papa, Grammy, Grandpa and Santa! (just to name a few!)


chelsea :: stock said...

looks perfect! and you, my friend, look gorgeous. (as always)

did you get a new camera? these pictures are amazing!

Steve Connolly said...

Great pics Jade. Thanks for stopping by last night for a visit. Enjoyed seeing miss P in person. You looked awesome and Ty looked like a gangsta...


Erich and Katie said...

Thanks Jade! You need to meet her! Next time you are in arizona or maybe in my neighborhood visiting the ladies you must stop by!! I have the best delievery story about beck!! pretty much hilarious!