Sunday, December 5, 2010


Since the first time we took this little girl to Sea World she has been obsessed with Shamu!!! "Mu" as she calls him is her favorite stuffed animal and she sleeps with him everynight!
We bought tickets in august when we first moved here and you got until the end of the year to come back for this was our last time to see Shamu for a while and we soaked it all up!

It took her like 20 min to let us put her down because she was alittle afraid!

Shamu's show believe is her favorite!

This was so their 3d theater they were showing the movie Polar Express (just parts of it) and they had real snow fall from the sky! It was my favorite part of the day!!

I mean SERIOUSLY...? I would DIE for her! I she not the cutest FUNNIEST little girl you have EVER seen?!!


Kyle & Savannah said...

She is SOOOO DANG cute!

Jen Beckstrand said...

Sea World is seriously my favorite place! I love Shamu! But even more I love how stinkin cute your little girl is!

Brittney Gurr said...

Dang P is getting so cute! I love love the pic of her with the shades on! And the one with Ty holding her while touching shamu's glass...touching. I could sense a real connection between shamu and your little family. Cant wait to take Bens there, we should go together sometime!

chelsea :: stock said...

um. i die.

jillian said...

she is such a ham! beckham totally hoards things too...he gets a toy and just carries it around every where. its pretty funny. love your classic kissy face! miss it!

Steve Connolly said...

That's a good lookin' Miss P!

And I have lots of Shamu jokes.

Melissa said...

that's neat. I want to see the Polar Express in 3D