Saturday, July 17, 2010


So my hubs is hard at work and hasn't hooked up my washer and dryer yet which means a trip to a laundromat! Why is it called a laundrOmat anyway? Well we were there... and lucky us right next door was Cafe Rio! I only left AZ a week ago but the sweet pork quesadilla was like a little piece of heaven and Peighters had just about the best time ever playing with all the baskets! Love her so much and love clean laundry!


Jessica said...

hi! thanks for commenting on my kitchen! i still have yet to make and hang the curtains. it will look way better when i get them up. the paint is called antique yellow, i have no idea what brand it was though... so sorry. :(
come by again!

Heather said...

Yay for an update! And with pictures?! Wow!

So weird that we're both on a crazy adventure right now! I feel like we're so far away, weird!

Love the laundromat pics, the house is adorable, and the lil beach bunny is too cute!

Hope you're getting settled in your new home! Can't wait for some inside pics!

Nic said...

Love the updates & seeing where you're new homestead is! California gurls you are for sure! Glad you are happy :)