Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Labor of Love

What can i say about having a Baby? Most of you have probably experienced it for yourselves. although if you chose to have an epedural yours probably worked properly! Mine on the other hand chose to work on my stomach area but not my nether know the place where the head comes out!!!! I am not sure why and neither was my anesthisiologist (i have no idea how to spell that). It was probably due to my crooked back and the fact that ho had to put the needle in higher than most people or it could be the fact that I went from a four to a ten in 45min! Either way I felt the ring of fire! I won't go into to much detail so that those of you who don't have kids will still want to! All I can say is it was worth it when I saw her beautiful face! I have only been in love like this once before and that is with my amazing husband! The love I felt for her was instant and keeps growing every day! By the way her name is Peighton Jade Bennett and she was 7 pounds 9 ounces 20 in long!


Unknown said...

JADE! She is beautiful!

She does look so much like Ty!

I thought her name was Presley?? I am confused?? I love Peighton though!

So sorry your epidural didn't work... I have heard of that happening before!

Kristen said...

I'm so glad she's here! It really makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it? I can't imagine the epidural not working, though. With Paige, the first one only worked on half my body, so they gave me another one. :) I wish I could have sent you my anesthesiologist. Congratulations anyway. :)

Eaton Family said...

Your awesome. I hope that next time you have a baby the epidural will work. It didnt work so much with my first but my second was amazing, what a difference it made!Cant wait to see you and get all the details!

Celeste and Chris said...

She is beautiful and she does look like ty. Wow i never thought i could use the words ty and beautiful in the same sentence! Just kidding. Chris and i were just saying how now that you and ty have a baby we might never see you again until we have kids! Let's not let that happen though. It was so good to see you at the gym today. Talk to you later.