Monday, January 10, 2011

More Pictures!!!


Steve Connolly said...


Besides my obvious favorite (the last one of miss P...) I really liked the one of you smelling Ty's neck.

Teddy, Scott, & baby Jane said...

Jade those are SO cute! My very favorite is when you guys are kissing in the background and P has the most perfect look on her face. LOVED IT! Those are so great. Hope you guys are doing great, you seem so happy! Love ya babe.

Brannon and Leslie said...

Jade... I miss you!!! You look freaking hot! What the heck are you doing? And Little miss P is getting so big. WE miss seeing you guys

Eaton Family said...

I love all those pictures of my gosh so cute!! I love the one where you guys are kissing, and P is making a smooch face too! Adorable!